Imagix 4D

Reverse Engineer and Analyze Your Source Code
With Imagix 4D, software developers have a tool to understand, document and improve complex, third party or legacy source code. Automate the analysis of control flow and dependencies. Detect problems in concurrency control and data sharing. Increase productivity, improve quality, and reduce risk.
For C, C++ and Java developers

Source Code Analysis
Reverse engineering and visualization of software lead to improved comprehension of your source code.

Static Analysis & Metrics
Quality checks identify issues in concurrency, multitasking and variable usage. And software metrics assess code quality.

Delta Analysis
Graphs and reports show the structural differences between source code versions and branches. These enable meaningful analysis of software changes.

Code Review
Software reviews using guided checklists systematically confirm software changes or check and document compliance with software standards.

Automated Documentation
Generation of software document and export of graphs including UML Diagrams ensure accurate, current, and informative design documents.

Free Trial
Analyze your software now. Download and get started applying Imagix 4D's functionality to your code. The tool's analysis of your source files includes support for: