Opcenter Advanced Planning and Scheduling

Why Opcenter APS?
On-time delivery
Transformer device manufacturer uses Opcenter APS to increase capacity utilization and improve response to customers
Siemens Digital Industries Software solution Opcenter APS enables Narayan Powertech to raise inventory turns by 15 to 20 percent.

Narayan Powertech
Narayan Powertech Pvt. Ltd. designs and manufactures customer engineered instrument transformers for the energy and utilities sector. The company was founded in 1996 and has a presence in 43 countries. It is an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001, 14001 and Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) 18001 company.
The right solution for your stakeholders

Operations Managers
Accurate predictions help you meet production demand, keep low stock levels and high utilization. Flexibility helps you alter plans to fulfill last minute requests.

Quickly answer customer requests and keep clients happy without losing control of planning. Know how to balance and prioritize production capacity and constraints.

Keep control of costs and understand how planning changes impact efficiency and stocks. Understand how new assets and resources will influence production figures.
Explore Opcenter APS products
Learn more
Is your Planning & Scheduling ready for the supply chain of tomorrow? Connect the shopfloor, ERP, MES, Warehouse and Logistics to make reliable predictions.
Find out how production planning and scheduling can be transformational for your organization, whether small, medium, or large, and across any industry.